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Someone recently told me that I had a great “Health Resume.” From this statement, I decided to honor these words. I am proud of my “Health Resume” because I am a strong woman who has survived three devastating diseases, one of them twice. I quit some bad habits, one of them being smoking, and started eating a lot of nuts and popcorn in 2001. My stomach began to ache for three days. I decided to go to the emergency room because by the third day, it really hurt. They found that one of my colon’s burst throughout my stomach and possibly to my ovaries. I became one out of 100 people who was cured by antibiotics without surgery.

A year later, in the same month of April possibly the same day, I had a heart attack and had a stint placed below my heart. In December of 2008, I had another heart attack and my stint was opened up more than the first heart attack. Both times, I had a blood clog, one below my heart and the other on the stint. Blood clogs seem to like to attach themselves to steel.

In 2011, I was told that I had an aggressive breast cancer. I had a mass in my left breast that was in stage two-three and the cancer was traveling under my arm through my lymphnods. I had two different types of chemo, surgery, and radiation as well as having cataracts removed from my eyes because I was loosing my sight. Now I see even better than I did when I was much younger and I am cancer free. In between all of the above, I was homeless for almost four years.

In January, I had a surgical biopsy for some strange looking calcification. Last week, I had a mammogram showing that everything was clear and free of any strange looking artifacts in my breast.  Yea!!! All of this happened with the help of Sunflower Wellness, Physical Theraphy with Dina at the Marin Breast Center, all of my great doctors at the Breast Center. It also helped to center on Oprah and Deepak’s 21-Day Meditation Challenge.

2 responses to “Health-Resume

  1. Thank you for sending me your website address. You gave done a GREAT job on it and like that you out your health resume on it.

    See you at BCM soon!


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